Well-balanced restaurant acoustics are one of the most important food pairings any eatery can offer. Restaurants must fire on all sensory cylinders, and sound is so important that overly noisy restaurants are one of the most frequently cited complaints in negative restaurant reviews. Fortunately, with a well thought out game plan, tackling restaurant acoustics doesn’t have to be difficult.
Why Restaurant Acoustics are So Vitally Important
If you have ever found yourself in a very loud restaurant, cafe, or club, you already know how disruptive it can be to the overall experience. Too much noise makes it difficult for guests to communicate with one another and takes away from the ambiance the restaurateur is trying to curate. It also makes communication among staff more difficult, increasing the likelihood of missed cues and incorrect orders. All these problems can be solved by designing with simple acoustic solutions for restaurants.
Keeping sound at reasonable levels keeps diners happy and allows staff to clearly communicate and execute the game plan that sets certain dining experiences above others. In order to keep restaurant noise down, we must take a two-pronged approach. Step one is identifying the sources of the noise. Step two is treating the space to reduce sound transmission and eliminate reflections and control echo and reverberation.
Space & Surface: Understanding the Basics of Acoustics
Restaurants are unique spaces. Surfaces are incredibly solid to satisfy food safety requirements, and several groups of guests may be hanging around eating and talking for hours at any given time. We’ve also got the noisy kitchen element that combines with these other factors to potentially create very noisy spaces without proper treatment.
When we introduce acoustical treatments and soundproofing materials, we are trying to accomplish a couple of key objectives.
Eliminating Echo and Reverberation
The main goal of installing acoustical treatments is the reduction of echo and reverberation.
Most of us are familiar with echo, which is the delayed sound reflection we hear when a sound wave bounces off a hard surface and returns to the source. These extra speech sounds can make it hard to communicate with our companions, and can even have an additive effect when too many echoes are present in the space. This is called reverberation.
Both of these acoustical issues are caused by sound reflections. Since restaurants are often filled with solid surfaces, they are also often rife with reflections. Introducing softer, more porous materials as acoustic decor can greatly reduce reflections to deliver reverberation and echo reduction, creating much better sounding spaces in the process.
Reducing Sound Passage
The main goal of installing soundproofing materials is to stop the passage of sound from one space to the next. If your restaurant is on a busy street or sandwiched between other building occupants that create a considerable amount of noise, soundproofing materials will help keep those sounds where they belong.
We use soundproofing materials to reduce sound passage, and the specific combination will depend on your specific situation. If there is one area that contributes the lion’s share of the noise in your restaurant, adding mass and volume and damping vibrations in that area will go a long way to reducing the amount of unwanted noise your guests experience.
Identifying Common Causes of Noise in Restaurants
Things like acoustic panels won’t do a whole lot to stop outside sound from coming through the window and a new set of windows won’t help reduce noise caused by guests speaking. The source and type of the noise will help you determine which products are right for addressing them. Here are some common sources of noise in restaurants.
Guest Voices
Guests’ voices are one of the most prominent sources of sound in any restaurant, so treating the space to deal with them is essential. Sound absorbing materials like fabric-wrapped acoustic panels and ceiling systems are incredibly useful here.
Noise from Outside
In some instances, noise entering from outside can be an issue. If your restaurant is on a busy road or near a noisy attraction, addressing outside noise may be necessary to keep sound down inside. Increasing the stopping power of your windows and doors will be the most effective solutions in this area.
Kitchen Noise
Another common source of noise in restaurants is the kitchen. Pots and pans banging on hard surfaces create a lot of noise, as do cooks communicating orders back and forth. There is no way to eliminate these sounds entirely.
Acoustic Solutions for Noise Reduction
Acoustic Geometry offers a wide range of products that can help reduce noise in restaurant applications. Each one is ideal for certain situations, and when combined, they all work together for comprehensive sound control. Let’s take a look at some of the most common and effective acoustic solutions for restaurants.
Acoustic Panels
Acoustic panels are one of the most popular acoustical solutions on the planet. These attractive panels absorb and damp sound waves that would otherwise reflect off of hard restaurant surfaces, helping to control issues with echo and reverberation. This makes acoustic panels excellent solutions for noise control in dining areas.
Acoustic panels are best mounted in the 3-6 foot range, situating them in line with the level where most speech originates. Mixing acoustic panels into your acoustic treatment design will help keep conversations from traveling, but will not completely deaden the space, a necessary requirement for creating a lively restaurant atmosphere.
Acoustic panels can also be suspended from the ceiling as acoustic barriers for open kitchens or to absorb overhead reflections as they pass across the room. No matter what your ideas for using these versatile sound absorbers, consulting with a professional can likely help make them a reality.
Read More: Where to Place Acoustic Panels [Guide]
Ceiling Systems
Another popular acoustic solution for restaurants is a striking ceiling system. There are many styles available, and each is designed to balance acoustic and aesthetic performance in ways that make your establishment stand out from the competition.
Some are designed more for sound absorption, while others are designed more for diffusion, but they all create fantastic focal points for your guests. Some of the most searched solutions include:
Baffle Systems
Ceiling Baffles are parallel planks, suspended horizontally on end below the true ceiling. They can be used to create an open, airy feel, or fitted with an acoustical backer for the highest noise control performance. These versatile decorating materials improve sound diffusion while creating a modern finish that perfectly accents nearly any space.
Grid Systems
Grid ceiling systems are very similar to baffles, but add a second set of perpendicular planks into the equation. They provide more visual blocking of overhead elements, and add more surfaces to diffuse sound. They can also be fitted with an acoustical backer for improved acoustic optimization.
Drop Ceilings
Drop ceilings with acoustical ceiling tiles for restaurants is a perfect solution for kitchens. There are options that are resistant to moisture, and the addition of an absorptive surface overhead can help deaden the sound of pots and pans clunking on hard kitchen surfaces.
MLV and Window Inserts
If you experience a great deal of sound coming in from outside the restaurant, reducing sound transmission through your walls and windows is of paramount importance. It may seem like a big, expensive undertaking, but there are some incredibly affordable options that can help reduce the amount of noise that creeps in.
Mass-loaded vinyl, or MLV, is a type of high density vinyl that can easily be rolled out directly to the studs or existing drywall. Cover them with a layer of drywall and you will have significantly improved the sound stopping power of your walls and ceilings. Just make sure your studs can handle the extra weight before going this route.
Window Inserts
If an old set of windows is the culprit, you can improve their performance without investing in a whole new set of windows. Acoustical window inserts are designed to fit snugly over your existing windows, adding a second pane and an air gap that combine to provide excellent acoustical and thermal insulating ability. If your restaurant is in a historic building, going this route will also help you maintain the vintage appeal of those original windows.
Maintenance and Upkeep of Acoustic Treatments
Proper maintenance is essential if you want to get the longest usable life out of your acoustic solutions. This is especially important in restaurant settings, where the presence of a commercial kitchen can introduce higher levels of humidity and grease than most other environments. Here are some simple steps you can take to keep them looking and working great for the foreseeable future.
Using the Proper Materials
First and foremost, make sure the materials you choose are suitable for the environment where they live. If you are placing materials in the kitchen, make sure they can handle the added humidity. If they are in high traffic areas, make sure they can take added abuse.
Keep them Free of Debris
Most acoustical materials don’t require regular deep cleaning, as long as we keep them generally free from debris. Wiping them down with a clean, dry, soft cloth once in a while will usually keep them functioning properly.
Take Care of Tears or Spills Immediately
If your acoustical products get stained or damaged beyond the scope of everyday wear and tear, responding quickly can save the products and eliminate the need for replacements. Most standard stains can be removed with a soft cloth combined with a mild cleanser and clean water. For tougher stains, consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for safe cleansing options.
Read More: Cleaning Acoustic Panels 101: A Guide to Prolonging Lifespan and Improving Performance
Investing in noise management solutions is a no-brainer in the restaurant industry. It not only enhances the overall dining experience for guests, but also protects the hearing health of employees. In order to achieve the best outcomes in improving restaurant ambiance, it is helpful to enlist the help of professionals.
If you would like to learn more about our product offerings and how to make your restaurant acoustics the envy of the block, reach out for a consultation.
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