The Acoustic Geometry brand was created almost three years ago, and we always envisioned placing our “affordable premium” product line with the biggest and best Pro Audio, Stereo, and Home Theater dealers in the US. We knew an informed and experienced dealer sales staff would be the most effective channel for us to reach a wider group of customers, those who really need and want our products.
We’re very happy to announce Full Compass Systems, one of the top Pro Audio/AV/Video product resources in the country, is now one of our dealers. Based in Madison, WI, this first-class company has served the professional and student audio, video, and musician marketplace for over 30 years, and has one of the best online retail offerings anywhere.
We welcome the many expert sales staff members and support folks at Full Compass to our dealer family, and we look forward to many years of partnership in bringing better acoustics to their customers. They’re at, or you can find a link on the Acoustic Geometry website through the “Retail Locations” tab. If you’re already a Full Compass customer, welcome to Acoustic Geometry! If you’re new to Full Compass, you’re gonna love these guys!